Services and Pricing: Divorce and Custody
CLI is committed to providing affordable and clear pricing options. Learn more about what CLI is doing to increase access to justice.
Uncontested Without Children
Contested Without Children
Uncontested With Children
Assistance with Self-Help (Pro Se) Forms
1) Document Review .......................................$200
2) Draft, Review and File Forms ..................$300
3) All of the above plus publication..............$400
1) From filing Petition to final Decree:
5-10 hours. Hourly rate based on sliding- scale (hourly rate)
Assistance with Self Help (Pro Se) Forms
1) Document Review .......................................$200
2) Draft, Review and File Forms ..................$300
3) All of the above plus publication..............$400
4) All of Number 2 plus drafting of Settlement Agreement and Final Order............................$500
1) From Filing Petition to Final Decree:
----case by case @ $(hourly rate)
Unbundled Services and Limited Scope
1) Pretrial Conference: 5 hours @$(hourly rate)
2) by case @ $(hourly rate)
3) Mediation .....................10hours@$(hourly rate)
4) by case @ $(base rate)
Assistance with Self Help (Pro Se) Forms
1) Document Review .....................................$200
2) Draft, Review and File Forms ................$300
3) All of Number 2 plus publication...........$400
4) All of Number 2 plus drafting of Settlement Agreement and Final Order..........................$500
1) From Filing Petition to Final Decree.: 5-10 hours. Hourly rate based on sliding- scale (hourly rate)
Unbundled Services and Limited Scope
1) Pretrial Conference: 5 hours @$(hourly rate)
2) by case @ $(hourly rate)
3) Mediation .....................10hours@$(hourly rate)
4) by case @ $(base rate)
Contested With Children
Custody: Uncontested
Custody: Contested
Assistance with Self Help (Pro Se) Forms
1) Document Review .......................................$200
2) Draft, Review and File Forms ..................$300
3) All of the above plus publication..............$400
4) All of Number 2 plus drafting of Settlement Agreement and Final Order............................$750
1) From Filing Petition to Final Decree..................................................$(hourly rate)*
Unbundled Services and Limited Scope
1) Pretrial Conference: 5 hours @$(hourly rate)
2) by case @ $(hourly rate)
3) Mediation .....................10hours@$(hourly rate)
4) by case @ $(base rate)
(Pro Se Forms Not Available)
1) From Filing Petition to Final Decree.: 5-10 hours. Hourly rate based on sliding- scale (hourly rate)*
Unbundled Services and Limited Scope
1) Drafting and Filing Petition: ...................................5 hours @$(hourly rate)
2) Pretrial Conference: 5 hours @$(hourly rate)
3) by case @ $(hourly rate)
4) Mediation .....................10hours@$(hourly rate)
5) by case @ $(base rate)
(Pro Se Forms Not Available)
1) From Filing Petition to Final Decree:
----case by case @ $(hourly rate)*
Unbundled Services and Limited Scope
1) Drafting and Filing Petition: ............................................5 hours @$(hourly rate)
2) Temporary Matters 10hours@$(hourly rate)
2) Pretrial Conference: 5 hours @$(hourly rate)
3) by case @ $(hourly rate)
4) Mediation .....................10hours@$(hourly rate)
5) by case @ $(base rate)
* Sliding-Scale Hourly Rate is not gauranteed for trial work.